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5 HVAC Sales (Tips, Gimmicks & Techniques) That Work

What is HVAC Sales?

HVAC sales is the process of selling heating, air conditioning, and ventilation products or services to prospects and existing customers through relationship building and brand promotion.

Sales Presentation Graphic for HVAC Webmasters

HVAC Sales Strategy

Sales and marketing go hand-in-hand, so it’s essential to have a solid HVAC marketing strategy and a streamlined and structured sales process.

Your sales strategy should have a defined goal of closing the deal after a lead passes through the carefully crafted nurturing funnel.

In the following post, HVAC Webmasters outlines HVAC sales tips you can use this year.

Blog Cover for HVAC Sales

As a marketing agency working with hundreds of HVAC contractors throughout the United States, we know something about the industry.

You might think of sales as gimmicks, but the following are HVAC sales gimmicks that work.

HVAC Sales Ideas

You’ve tried everything, and you’re still not closing enough deals. The good news is that several techniques can boost your sales process immediately.

Check out some of the best HVAC sales tips:

1) Bundle Services

Bundling services is a common sales tactic for many industries but can be instrumental in the HVAC business.

Consider how often your customers call you for a standalone service: furnace repair, A/C maintenance, vent cleaning, etc. 

The great thing about HVAC service is that it is always needed. So why not sell your customers maintenance services?

Signing up existing customers for seasonal check-ups, tune-ups, and repairs is a great way to generate year-round income and offers your customers a valuable service at the same time. 

Maintenance packages are a great way to increase sales because they take the burden of HVAC maintenance off the customer’s shoulders.

So, the next time you complete a standalone job for your customer, consider selling them maintenance packages tailored to their specific systems. 

2) Create a Sales List

Whether you are selling an HVAC product or service, it never pays to go in half-cocked. No matter your pitch, you must ensure it does not land on deaf ears.

Carefully curating a sales list is especially important for HVAC contractors because only a select few of the population will be interested in HVAC services. 

There are a few ways to create a sales list. Here are some of the most effective:

  • Social Media: You already have your business on social media, so why not start leveraging it to drum up leads? Your followers are likely people interested in HVAC service, so you can pull names, numbers, and contact info from your social media outlets. 
  • Online Contact Forms: Make sure you follow up with people who willingly give their contact information on your website. These are likely to be your hottest leads. 
  • Past Customers: Take a look at old invoices. If you haven’t heard from a customer in quite a while, chances are they are due for some HVAC service. 
  • Paid Leads: If you have the budget, paying for exclusive leads can be a great way not only to build up your sales list but give sales, in general, a shot in the arm. 
  • Trade Shows: Trade shows are an excellent way to get leads and build a solid sales list. HVAC trade shows are especially fruitful if you want/do a lot of B2B HVAC work. 

Creating a sales list of likely customers is excellent, but what do you do once you have your list?

3) Reaching Out

How you reach out to your sales list is essential. For example, suppose your sales list includes retirees or senior citizens in general.

In that case, you may want to consider a phone call instead of an email. The opposite is advisable if you are dealing with younger, first-time homeowners. 

Be mindful of who you are reaching out to. That said, reaching out the wrong way is better than not reaching out.

Following up with your customers is extremely important and can significantly increase your sales numbers. 

If you are having trouble with what to say when you are reaching out to people on your sales list, here are a few pointers:

  • Loose Script: We advise against having a universal HVAC sales script because people can tell when they are pitched. Instead, we recommend having a flexible script that you can change up from customer to customer. 
  • Know your Customer: It can be time-consuming, but knowing your customers’ needs before reaching out can seriously boost sales. Take some time to research the customers’ areas, how old they are, and the services they have paid for in the past. Knowing what kind of HVAC services/products leads are likely to need beforehand will make your pitch more alluring. 
  • Talk About the Problem: Sales are usually not closed in the first outreach. So, avoiding trying to sell anything when you first talk to a prospective customer can be helpful. Instead, talk about the problems that can arise if they don’t invest in your HVAC product/service. This will get them thinking and qualify them even further as leads. 

4) Upselling and Cross-Selling

Upselling is when you convince customers to upgrade their HVAC system or product to a higher-end, more expensive model.

Cross-selling is when you sell them on a product/service related to one they are already paying for.

It’s good to employ a healthy mixture of both techniques for HVAC sales. 

Again, this can include bundling maintenance services.

Or, in the case of upselling, you can advise the customer that an upgraded furnace blower or AC unit would save them money on their utility bills. 

If you are coming to a customer’s house to clean out their ducts for the winter, consider selling them on a furnace or heater tune-up.

Look at every service you render as an opportunity to make another sale. 

5) Give the Customer Options

Often, people don’t close HVAC sales because they are not presented with attractive options.

For example, the customer may need a new AC but ultimately decide to do without because of the limited options in their price range.

Therefore, as much as possible, present options that will attract many customers. 

This could mean having multiple options for energy-efficient models for those conscious of their environmental impact.

It could also mean having high-end units for people looking for the latest and greatest HVAC systems.

And, of course, it never hurts to have multiple service/product options for people with different budgetary limitations. 

While offering customers multiple options is a significant first step, it doesn’t mean anything unless you are willing to present them clearly and attractively. 

HVAC Sales Closing Techniques

Getting 17 at the blackjack table doesn’t mean you win the hand. Likewise, guessing and getting a curveball doesn’t mean a home run.

The reality is that you can put yourself in a position to close a sale and still not get the job done. However, a few sales closing techniques can further increase your odds.

Check them out below:

Assumptive Closer

The assumptive closer is all about assumption, which, as the old saying goes, don’t worry about that here.

Essentially, as the salesperson, you assume the deal is already done, which leads you to ask questions about the delivery time, quantity, etc.

The assumptive closing works well if the prospect has already demonstrated previous interest.

Of course, there are cases where they will refuse to play along, but they are ready and willing in most cases.

Query Closer

The query closer asks prospects a series of questions like do you feel this service meets your current needs?

You have laid the framework for a boxing close if you can produce an affirmative for most of your questions. 

In other words, it becomes illogical for the prospect to refuse service when they’ve already logically agreed it’s best for them.

The Helpful Closer

Consider the helpful closer for salespeople who prefer a softer and less manipulative tactic.

Repeatedly describe the prospect’s process of becoming a customer without pressuring them to complete it.

You must be consistent and vary your terminology because you’ll outline the same operation multiple times.

You will find that many prospects feel most comfortable with this approach since they want to feel like it’s their decision, not yours.

Best of all, you can go home with a clean conscience as you did not use manipulative tactics and instead relied on the quality of your services or products.

Final Thoughts on The HVAC Sales Process

Fine-tuning your sales process is essential to the long-term sustainability of your heating and cooling business.

While learning the nuances of each part of the sales cycle requires hands-on experience, this guide can help you navigate the landscape while avoiding common pitfalls.

We recommend working with an experienced sales consultant to help streamline your process this year.

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The Ultimate HVAC Email Marketing Guide (2025)

A comprehensive HVAC email marketing sequence can increase lead generation and enhance brand awareness. As a result, drip emails should be a part of every HVAC marketing campaign.

AC companies can benefit from email marketing. If properly executed, emails help reach new customers and preserve existing ones.

HVAC Webmasters details the best email marketing strategies for heating and cooling businesses this year in the following guide.

Blog Cover for HVAC Email Marketing Showing Title and Email Icon

HVAC Email Marketing Goals

The most effective email campaigns start with a pre-established goal. For example, what are you trying to accomplish through your email sequence?

In the HVACR industry, you can break down goals into three categories.

  • Customer Retention
  • Customer Upsell
  • Customer Acquisition

You can implement varying sub-campaigns within these three categories aimed at more specific goals. Once you identify an objective, you can craft your sequence and start sending emails.

Choosing an Email Marketing Platform

Email marketing is only as potent as the platform that powers it, which should be credible and trustworthy.

The best email marketing platforms are AWeber, ActiveCampaign, and MailChimp. At HVAC Webmasters, we recommend AWeber.

AWeber allows HVAC companies to design campaigns with their Smart Designer, automate tasks like tagging and auto-responding, and track multiple segmentations within a subscriber list. 

Most email platforms offer a free plan for a limited number of subscribers. However, as a business owner, you should find ways to increase your subscriber list through lead magnets and other means to reach more potential leads.

Screenshot Showing AWeber Email Subscribers

Email Segmentation

There’s a reason why email marketing has grown more effective over time, and it’s because of email segmentation.

As marketers have smartened up to the customized needs of different cohorts, email campaigns have resonated with more of their target audiences.

AWeber allows AC companies to segment their contacts within a list or create multiple lists. For example, a list of existing HVAC customers can be segmented by specific zip codes, types of services, and property types. 

These distinctions allow marketers to craft hyperspecific campaigns customized for a target audience.

Here is a list of potential segmentations you can implement into your subscriber lists.

  • Zip Codes
  • Types of Services
  • Property Types
  • Seasonal Climate
  • Tenure

Screenshot of AWeber Segmentation

Creating Effective Email Campaigns

You can craft more effective campaigns once you’ve implemented segmentation into your email strategy.

You’ll want to track your open rate per campaign so you can test which angles your subscribers respond to most intently.

The estimated email open rate is 32.55%, which means you want to outperform that number per campaign.

If you find that one of your campaigns is below this threshold, the campaign likely requires tweaking.

HVAC Email Campaign Examples

Brainstorming email campaigns can be challenging for companies just starting with email lists. The key is creating a unique value proposition for the subscriber and speaking directly to one of their pain points.

Take a look at some of the campaign examples below:

  • Summer is Coming: Replace Your Aging Air Conditioner
  • Winter is Coming: Replace Your Aging Heating System
  • Halloween Savings Special (Limited Time Offer)
  • Don’t Forget To Claim Your $60 Discount
  • Win a Free Gift Card By Referring Friends or Family

Email Regulation Compliance

Credible platforms like AWeber take email regulations and protocols into account, simplifying business owners’ processes.

For those unaware, the CAN-SPAM Act stipulates specific steps email marketers must take before sending a bulk email.

Some of the regulations include:

  • Unsubscribe Option
  • Mailing Address
  • Contact Permissions (Don’t Buy 3rd Party Lists)

Some marketers think of these regulations as unfavorable. Still, there’s no point in harassing people who are not interested in your services—allowing people to unsubscribe increases your open rates.

It will enable you to customize email campaigns more specifically in the future.

Screenshot of Email Unsubscribe Link and Mailing Address

Email Copywriting

Great marketing emails tell a story to their recipient. For example, as an AC company, you might specify some of the most pressing furnace repair needs during winter.

Conversely, you may want to outline warm climate challenges during summer. As a result, people are more likely to engage and respond.

Subtle CTAs help increase conversion rates, but you must walk a fine line. As a business owner, you don’t want to bombard leads with sales talk but rather present an opportunity for them to take a self-serving action. Think of your audience as partners rather than targets.

Screenshot of AWeber Text Copy Editor

Email Graphics

Most modern email campaigns focus on text-based content since it’s less likely to be flagged as spam or immediately enter the promotions folder.

However, you can include graphics within your campaigns for highly engaged contacts. For example, a discount or promo is better for visual presentation.

AWeber makes graphic design simple with its built-in Canva compatibility. HVAC companies can easily design pre-templated graphics to impress their subscribers with stunning visual elements.

Graphics created with email marketing software can be edited to fit your brand, color scheme, and text content.

Screenshot of Email Marketing Graphic on AWeber

Email Response

Engagement is ideal for all marketing emails; you want to encourage your audience to respond and be ready to respond to them.

For example, it’s not uncommon for a potential client to respond to an email drip with a specific question about your services, pricing, etcetera. 

Failing to respond to their response negatively impacts your company and frustrates potential customers.

As a result, you lose business and damage your online brand. However, responding is easy, and you can even set up automated responses based on the context of their response.

Email Tracking

AWeber and other platforms track email open rates, clicks, and engagement, breaking down lists into different response categories.

As a result, you can monitor which of your drips performs best, worst, and in between.

Some of the most critical metrics for emails are:

  • Open Rates
  • Clicks
  • Clicks + CTA
  • Undeliverables

You can alter your strategy based on results and even perform A/B tests in real time to compare variations of emails. The ultimate goal is to streamline your email sequences to maximize open rates, clicks, and actions and reduce bounce rates to the lowest possible numbers.

Screenshot of Email Tracking Metrics from AWeber

Getting More Email Subscribers

Your emails are most effective when they reach a large pool of engaged subscribers. The only way to get more people is to grow your email list using proven methods.

In most cases, your digital presence directly influences the growth of your lists.

For example:

  • Custom Website
  • Lead Magnets
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Ads / Posts

Consider investing in a lead magnet plugin like Thrive Leads, which allows you to craft custom overlays and other promotional graphics that prompt website visitors to submit their email addresses.

Of course, it helps to offer a value proposition such as a free PDF or discount in exchange for the contact information.

Final Thoughts on Email Marketing for HVAC Companies

HVAC email marketing is one of the best ROIs for local companies seeking to promote services to existing and prospective customers.

Using email software such as Aweber or Mailchimp, heating and cooling professionals can build a subscriber list and segment customers by specifications.

Once correctly segmented, companies can automate personalized emails to their prospects at opportune times, driving more engagement, sales, and brand recognition.

The appeal of email marketing is significant, though it does not come without risk, especially for those who fail to follow guidelines and regulations.

Recent crackdowns on spam emails hold senders to a higher standard that must comply with the CAN-SPAM Act to reach inboxes sustainably.

Before investing resources into your email marketing campaigns, contact professionals in the digital marketing industry to assist with the process.

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HVAC Pay Per Call (Best Practices + Tips to Get $30 Leads)

Blog Cover for HVAC Pay Per Call Showing Phone

HVAC Pay Per Call campaigns represent one of the most efficient ways to generate AC company leads in 2023. Consumers place nearly 100 billion calls to businesses each year, and heating & cooling businesses can benefit. Let’s check out some of the primary components of pay-per-call.

What is Pay Per Call for HVAC Companies?

Pay Per Call is an advertising model where advertisers pay based on consumers’ phone calls. Unlike other paid advertising models, pay-per-call reduces costs by eliminating fees for empty clicks or impressions.

Comparison Chart Infographic Comparing Pay Per Call With Other Promotional Methods

Pay Per Call Tips for AC Companies


AC companies typically utilize local marketing strategies to earn nearby clients. For example, with pay-per-call advertising, businesses can target specific zip codes, towns, and cities to maximize ROI.

By spending to reach nearby customers, you increase conversions and reduce expenses. The result is a higher ROI and a more efficient advertising model. 

Personal Touch

While the per-call advertising model uses modern technology, its effectiveness stems from more traditional promotion. Consumers who are willing to call your HVAC company typically seek a more personal touch.

Anyone can submit a digital form or sign up for an email newsletter. Still, these interactions are rarely personal and seldom lead to conversions. Instead, by paying for calls, you can immediately capture warm leads and convert them using your most effective sales techniques.

Seasonal Promotion

Pay Per Call campaigns should adapt to seasonal changes as primary HVAC services fluctuate with weather patterns. For example, winters call for ads targeting furnace and heating repairs, while summers require the opposite.

Depending on your business location, some seasons may last longer than others and prompt more extreme responses. For instance, Texas residents may have emergency needs for AC repair. Still, as we saw in 2021, unpredictable winter storms can also require emergency HVAC maintenance.

Pay Per Call With Google Local Service Ads

Most HVAC companies have used Google Ads for traditional PPC advertising. But did you know that you can use Google Local Service Ads (LSA) to run per-call campaigns?

Screenshot of Google Local Service Ad With Phone Number

Pay for Completed Calls

Google LSA allows AC contractors to pay only for completed calls meaning missed calls will not drain your budget. In some cases, Google LSA can reduce your costs to about $30 per call.

Appear on Top of Search Results

Like traditional Google Ads, Google LSA lets you jump over organic search results to garner more impressions. As a result, it’s not uncommon to generate about 30 leads per month with Google LSA.

Pay Per Call Pros & Cons

Pro: Cost

Per-call ads are less expensive than most HVAC leads, and generating $30 leads can produce ROIs between $120-$420. That’s not to mention repeat business potential, which pushes the lifetime value even higher.

Pro: Conversion

Most per-call campaigns produce high conversion rates, especially when compared with other forms of digital promotion. Customers who are willing to call your business likely have an immediate need. They are eager to book a technician ASAP.

Con: Drops

Depending on which pay-per-call service you utilize, they may charge you for dropped calls and calls that lead to no business. For this reason, it is critical to research your pay-per-call provider before investing resources.

Pay Per Call Red Flags

Never sign a long-term contract with any paid advertising platform. You can mark it as a red flag and avoid their company if they require such terms. Credible platforms allow the results to keep you paying fees.

Pay attention to purported costs per call as anything super-low, like $.50 per call or $2 per call, indicates a scam. They are likely charging you for robocalls, spam, and other low-quality connections in these cases.

Finally, be on the lookout for providers who offer shared leads with a much lower conversion rate and lower value. The best types of calls are exclusive to your bsuiness as they convert higher and tend to serve as repeat customers.

Optimizing Pay Per Call Results

At HVAC Webmasters, we are all about optimization. Maximizing each call is the best way to produce consistent results with pay-per-call advertising. Most local businesses have a vital sales process for inquiries.

Customer service is imperative when receiving calls from prospects. You can expect good results if your office staff is kind, helpful, and assertive. Conversely, rude and non-commital staff can cost you clients.

Another aspect of customer service is availability. Do you tend to miss calls to your office line? If so, consider hiring extra staff to field calls and ensure fast response rates. Consumers will move on quickly if you don’t answer.

A helpful way to streamline your sales process is to garner positive online reviews, particularly on well-known platforms like Google, Yelp, and Facebook. You will have to do less selling if you already have a solid online presence. 

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How To Build an HVAC Images Library (with/List of Sites)

HVAC Images Library

As a Heating & Cooling Company, building an HVAC images library for your website, social media profiles, and other business citations is essential.

People like to look at images – especially when it comes to choosing an HVAC company. As a result, top HVAC companies are investing in images libraries. An HVAC images library can show your customers what you are capable of, what kind of business you run, and your company’s values. 

Building a photo library can be tricky, though. Where do you start? Where do you get the pictures? What kind of images should you include? HVAC Webmasters covers all this and more in the following post.

Setting a Goal for Your Images Library

Build your HVAC images library with a specific purpose. Most HVAC contractors interested in building an images library promote particular services or need visual components to their web pages.

However, an image library can be more than that and can share your company’s values with visitors to your site. Additionally, images can showcase some of the incredible people you employ. Finally, an image gallery can educate and engage your audience.

Your goal will ultimately inform what kind of images you need and where to get those images. Next, think about what you want people to think and feel or how you want them to react when they see the pictures in your gallery. What is the ultimate goal of your images gallery? Do you want to sell your services? Tell a story? Teach people about HVAC?

Should HVAC Websites Use Stock Photos?

Many HVAC contractors use stock photos to load up their images gallery. Stock images are a handy option because of easy access to pretty much any visual you can think of – including HVAC systems and HVAC technicians. Stock photos are a solid option if:

  • You are working with a thin budget
  • You don’t have unique photos of your staff and equipment

HVAC Stock Photo

Some stock photos look great on your company website. However, it’s better to edit royalty-free stock images with a free image editor like Canva so you can add branding and create unique files.

List of Stock Photo Websites for HVAC Contractors

You can use all kinds of stock photos for your HVAC company. There are also a lot of sources for stock photos. Here are some of the best stock image websites to get you started:

  • 123RF: 123RF is home to millions of images, and many HVAC contractors have used them to populate their sites with images. 
  • Pixabay: Pixabay offers royalty-free stock photos without needing to sign up for an account.
  • Deposit Photos: Deposit Photos has been around for about a decade and has amassed hundreds of millions of high-quality images for nearly every industry. 
  • Unsplash: This is a paid subscription, but it can cut much of the guesswork out of using stock images (licensing and attribution). 

Before you start loading up on stock images, you must be aware that not all stock images are free. Some are licensed, which means you will either have to pay to use them or give attribution to them on your website. 

There are many stock photo websites like 123rf and Unsplash that give you access to their library for a monthly fee. The monthly payments include unlimited usage of their library, and you won’t usually have to worry about attribution when you pay for a subscription service. Free sites like Pixabay will typically specify whether attribution is required on a photo-by-photo basis.

Other Photo Library Options for Heating & Cooling

Stock photos are often necessary but don’t come without their downside. For instance, since thousands of websites use the same stock photos, Google can’t distinguish which picture is more valuable; therefore, none provide great SEO value. The good news is that other types of photos provide greater SEO value for HVAC companies.

Infographic Images

Infographics are a great way to educate your visitors and tell them something interesting about your HVAC services in general. When polled, 200 marketers reported that infographics helped them reach their marketing goals more than any other type of visual marketing strategy. 

Infographics are also great for loading up your image library with original content. That way, you won’t have to worry about licensing or attribution at all. In addition, several websites allow you to create your own infographics, like Canva.

Canva Infographic Templates

Canva provides various free templates you can edit for your website and allows you to make infographics that translate technical HVAC information into laymen’s terms.

Original Photos

Last but not least, you can load up your HVAC images library with photos that you take yourself! These days, camera phones can snap the same types of high-quality images as fancy professional cameras. If you plan to take a bunch of photos with your camera phone, we suggest investing in a tripod. It will keep the camera steady and allow you to take better-quality photos. Taking your own pictures for your images library is a good idea when:

  • You want to appear professional and unique for Google and users
  • The goal is to tell the story of your company or to highlight your staff
  • You want to show off completed projects

Consider publishing landscape photos of service areas, your logo, or even your satisfied customers (with their consent, of course). Original photos may be the way to go if you want to emphasize your community involvement. Taking pictures of yourself and your staff at local events is a great way to show your potential customers that you are invested in the community just like they are. 

Original Photo for HVAC Website

Original photos of your staff work best for both SEO and on-site conversions. Google prefers expertise, trustworthiness, and authority (E-A-T), and users feel more comfortable buying from real human beings.

AI-Generated Images

Advancements in AI models have allowed for the creation of AI-generated images. Tools like MidJourney StableFusion and Canva’s Text to Image app allow HVAC companies to produce realistic images. The copyright laws surrounding these images must still be ironed out in some cases, but they are often considered to be original and royalty-free images.

These tools still have limitations, however, so be sure to follow the guidelines below:

  • Only generate images WITHOUT people (i.e., equipment, tools, exteriors, etc.)
  • Don’t assume 100% that these images don’t violate copyright (use at your own risk)
  • Enhance the images with your branding, logos, and other alterations for better results

It’s clear that AI will change the image generation process for small business owners. While the tools currently have limitations, they can produce realistic original images of AC units, furnaces, and other tools and equipment. It’s important to continue to follow advancements in AI technology for marketing.

Screenshot of Canva Text to Image App

Artificial intelligence tools can now generate original images of AC units and other HVAC equipment. However, you should avoid requesting images that feature people since they often ruin the image’s realism.

Optimizing Your Photo Library

Gathering different kinds of photos is a great way to keep your online presence fresh and visually appealing. But there are other things you should consider when building up your stash. For example, when you download an image, you will want to name the file something relevant.

For example, a picture of your HVAC truck should have a title like (jims-hvac-company-truck.jpg).

Naming your image files helps with the following:

SEO: Google can read file names, so your images should contain keywords when possible (and should match the image alt text)

Organization: Avoid keeping duplicate photos in your library by giving each a unique name

Image Library File Name
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7 HVAC Maintenance Reminder Postcard Ideas (for Direct Mail)

HVAC Webmasters discusses seven HVAC maintenance reminder postcard ideas for contractors looking to maximize their direct mail marketing. Believe it or not, direct mail marketing still has its place in the digital world.

Don’t believe us? The numbers don’t lie. The average direct mail marketing open rate is 90%. That number has sustained itself despite consistent advancements in digital marketing.

Getting a physical postcard in the mail that you can then pin to the refrigerator or your corkboard to remind you of an appointment is still helpful for many people.

In the following post, we will give you some HVAC postcard ideas to boost your direct mail marketing campaign significantly.

HVAC Postcard Ideas (Blog Cover)

Why Use Maintenance Reminder Postcards?

As an HVAC company, you provide an ongoing service. Therefore, everyone needs to have their heaters, ACs, or ductwork worked on occasionally, and postcards can help people track when they need maintenance.

Here are some instances when an HVAC postcard would be appropriate:

  • Maintenance Reminders: No one wants to get caught with a faulty HVAC system in the dead of winter or during dog days of summer. A friendly service or maintenance reminder in the form of a postcard can help the consumer maintain a working HVAC system and boost your sales.
  • Promotions: Postcards are also a great way to upsell your current customers with special deals that may interest them. Try to personalize the mailing list by sending postcards about a service the receivers previously used or inquired about.
  • Greeting New Residents: You can send a postcard greeting to people who have just moved into your service areas, letting them know that you provide HVAC services and maintenance. You can also send postcards to residents in areas where your company expands.
  • Thank You Notes: Making customers feel appreciated is essential for any business, including HVAC. Postcards are a great way to thank a customer for their patronage. 

Awesome HVAC Postcard Ideas

Creating effective postcards has a lot to do with visuals and the actual copy on the cards. Take a look at some HVAC postcard ideas for inspiration:

1) Make it Personal

Personalizing your maintenance reminder postcards as much as possible is always a good idea. In email marketing campaigns, customized messages increase conversion and open rates.

The same principle applies to physical mail marketing. People don’t want a general statement sent to hundreds of others.

They respond more when they know the message is personal. When you send thank you cards, mention the service the customer purchased.

When promoting a service, use your sales history data to send promotional postcards to a targeted mailing list. 

2) Drive Action

If the goal of your postcard campaign is sales, it can help create a sense of urgency that drives action.

For example, if you promote a sale on duct cleaning, make sure that the offer is time-sensitive so that people will feel compelled to take more or less immediate action.

In addition, any offer you promote through direct mail postcards should have a marked expiration date.

HVAC Postcard Example (Front)

HVAC Postcard Example (Back)

3) Utilize a Call to Action

Just like with web copy and email marketing campaigns, you need a call to action on your HVAC postcards to let the recipient know what you want them to do so that you can measure the effectiveness of your campaign.

For example, giving special codes for a specific discount is an easy way to track the effectiveness of a promotion and a direct mail marketing campaign. 

4) Use Copy Sparingly 

The written content on your HVAC postcards shouldn’t look like an essay when your customers receive it. That will only scare them away.

So, instead, keep your message short, simple, and focused. In other words, don’t try to cram a bunch of different promotions or topics onto the same card.

Instead, stick to the most important message and a straightforward call to action. 

5) Be Careful with Images

You must always ensure that your images are high-resolution for print. Generally, you want your pictures to have a print resolution of at least 300 DPI. 

Remember that when you see an image on a computer screen, it might not necessarily look as clear and crisp in print.

While images can certainly increase open rates, having too many will make your postcard look too busy and unattractive to the recipient. Instead, use only one or two images at the most.

6) Create a Compelling Headline 

The headline should be the largest font on your postcard. It should also be as compelling as possible.

For example, if you are promoting a special discount on an HVAC service, the gist of the service should be your headline.

For example, if you promote an AC tune-up special, your headline could be “Stay cool in the sweltering summer months.”

This headline pressures the pain of not having a properly working AC at the hottest time of the year. It conjures up an uncomfortable image for the reader and may spur them to action.

Here’s another example of an HVAC inspection special: “Save money on your monthly utility bills.”

Again, this headline pressures the pain of high utility bills due to an inefficient HVAC system. and offers a solution for the recipient. 

7) Keep Track of the Results 

Make sure you can measure the success of your direct mail marketing campaign. That way, you can figure out what messages are working and which are flopping.

You can track the results by phone using a specific number on the postcards for customers to call.

Link the phone number to a call forwarding system so you will know each time the phone rings due to your postcard campaign.

You can track results by website visits by including a unique URL on the postcard that links to a specific landing page.

Finally, you can track purchases by including a unique discount code on the postcard.

Next Steps for HVAC Maintenance Reminder Postcard Ideas

Now that you’ve learned strategies for creating effective maintenance reminder postcards, it’s time to take action.

Order your postcards and start delivering them to your existing customers. Keep track of the results through your CRM and refine your approach based on the data.

If you need assistance with your marketing campaign, feel free to reach out to HVAC Webmasters.

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11 (Mind-Blowing) HVAC Industry Statistics to Consider in 2025

Whether you are considering a career in HVAC or are already firmly entrenched in the industry, HVAC industry statistics are a valuable resource.

Some worry about the long-term viability of the HVAC industry, though most of the data paints a favorable picture of the future of this long-standing trade industry.

In the age of fear-mongering and misinformation, there is strength in numbers and statistical numbers in particular. The raw data removes inherent biases and delivers objective projections on the industry’s future.

HVAC Industry Statistics

The following article will outline 11 of the most compelling HVAC industry statistics for 2025.

Quick Statistics for the HVAC Industry

  • The HVAC Market is Projected to Grow by 6.28%
  • The Average HVAC Technician’s Salary is $27.21 Per Hour
  • 70% of HVAC Companies Dislike Their SEO Provider
  • 40,100 new HVAC Jobs will Be Created by 2033
  • 75% of US Homes Have Central Air
  • 67% of Southern Households Leave Their AC Running All Day
  • The Average American Pays $293 for HVAC Repair
  • Florida Has 37,370 HVAC Workers Statewide
  • Over 70% of U.S Homes Have ACs installed
  • 43% of U.S. Power Generation is From Gas
  • Thermostats Last an Average of 10 Years

1) The HVAC Market is Projected to Grow by 6.28%

Today, the HVAC market is estimated to be worth 65.72 million. That number is projected to reach 89.11 billion dollars in just five years, representing an industry growth of 6.28%

Beyond this immediate growth, experts predict that with the ongoing climate changes, demand for HVAC systems will only continue to grow. Such a trend may be particularly interesting if you try to decide on a career path with good job security. 

Homeowners regularly invest in unit upgrades, creating a demand for heating and cooling jobs across the US and other countries.

2) The Average HVAC Technician Salary is $23.68 Per Hour in the US

So you know your HVAC job isn’t likely to be in danger any time soon, but how much can you expect to be paid? That all depends. Where you live is the number one factor determining your HVAC salary. 

The average salary for HVAC technicians varies by state. The national average, however, is $27.21 per hour. To put that figure into perspective, consider that the national average for hourly pay in the US was $11.24

To give you even more perspective, some of the highest-paying states for HVAC contractors and technicians are on the East Coast.

For example, Oregon pays its HVAC technicians the highest national hourly rate, $29.88. Conversely, Florida HVAC specialists earn the lowest average, just $21.12 per hour—more than five dollars below the national average.

3) 70% of HVAC Companies Dislike Their SEO Provider

According to industry research, including independent studies from HVAC Webmasters, roughly 7 out of 10 HVAC companies with digital marketing agencies are unsatisfied with the results.

Regarding SEO, it can be difficult to gauge performance properly, as traffic does not always equate to leads.

Several marketing companies lack billing transparency, causing clients to become unaware of what they are actually paying for.

In these cases, contractors might also be locked into 12-24-month agreements without an opt-out clause. These kinds of tactics are understandably frustrating.

Despite the overwhelming discontent with marketing services, nearly all successful HVAC companies are investing in marketing of some kind.

As a result, professionals broadly understand that while finding a competent HVAC SEO company is challenging, growing a business is necessary.

4) 40,100 new HVAC Jobs will Be Created by 2033

If you are wondering how likely it will be to find a job once you are a licensed HVAC technician, consider the following statistic: the Bureau of Labor estimates that by 2033, 40,100 more HVAC jobs will be created in the US alone. 

What’s the reason for this boom? The growth of the construction industry is a primary culprit. The HVAC and construction industries have always been closely tied; as one goes, so does the other. 

Labor experts believe the HVAC industry will also grow because the construction industry is projected to grow in the coming years. As a result, 40,100 more jobs will need to be filled by 2033, translating to a 9% increase in job growth. 

5) 75% of US Homes Have Central Air

What might you want to specialize in as an HVAC contractor or technician? According to experts, you might want to brush up on central air units in particular.

It is estimated that 75% of US households have central air systems installed.

Regional climate plays a role in the number of households with central air. For example, if you live in a northern state, you will likely see fewer central air units.

In these regions, you may encounter window units and individual cooling appliances in colder regions where air conditioning is only needed for a few months a year.

In this case, it may be wiser to specialize in swamp coolers, window units, and portable AC systems. 

6) 67% of Southern Households Leave Their AC Running All Day

A survey of Southern households revealed that more than 67% of residents leave their air conditioners running all day. This behavior can be attributed to the region’s warm climate and seasonal length.

Unfortunately, this trend doesn’t always correlate to more service jobs. Most people don’t have their air conditioner serviced yearly like they should—even in Southern states. 

Still, this statistic is encouraging for an HVAC contractor because you know there will be many AC repair and replacement opportunities in the South. 

7) The Average American Pays $293 for HVAC Repair

There are no set guidelines for how much someone will pay for HVAC repair/service.

It will always depend on location, the nature of the repair/maintenance, the type of unit, and the service provider, among other factors.

On average, you will pay $319 to repair or service your AC. If you need your furnace looked at, you can expect to pay an average of $268. You can also spend as much as $2,900 for serious HVAC repair jobs or installations.

Heating and cooling maintenance jobs are lucrative in many states. The demand for repairs and installations is relatively consistent, though seasonal dips are more pronounced in certain regions.

8) Florida Has The Most HVAC Jobs

The consistency of job availability depends on various factors, including weather conditions and seasonality. The states with the most HVAC jobs might be the two that you would naturally expect.

Florida employs 37,370 HVAC technicians and contractors, the highest number in the country. California has the highest number of HVAC employees, with 35,630.

Those numbers are expected to hold steady, too. As a result, the HVAC industry’s job growth is expected to mirror the overall industry growth in the nation.

9) Over 70% of U.S Homes Have ACs installed

The sheer percentage of U.S. homeowners with installed air conditioner units represents a favorable market projection for companies and technicians. The equipment will invariably require repairs, maintenance, and replacement.

As Grand View Research describes, original equipment manufacturers can anticipate a 20%-30% market opportunity for new unit sales and replacements due to aging air conditioners.

Due to their superior efficiency, electric water heaters waste less electricity and water. As a result, consumers can save money while reducing their carbon footprints.

10) More People Use Gas and Electricity to Heat their Homes

Homeowners recognize the benefits of electric heating and heat pumps, which offer excellent energy efficiency compared to gas or oil furnaces.

Heat pumps can heat and cool, allowing for a consolidation of cumbersome units.

Gone are the days of kerosene, propane, and fuel oil. Instead, most Americans use gas and electricity to heat their homes. It is estimated that 43% of power generation is from gas, while 44% have already switched to electrical heating systems. 

Trends like these reflect energy usage shifts as consumers and regulators look toward cleaner grids.

Homeowners, in particular, are seeking electric energy solutions that benefit the environment while cutting their energy bills.

11) The Average U.S. Home’s Thermostat Lasts 10 Years

Smart thermostats provide several benefits, like remote control and smartphone compatibility. Most importantly, they feature AI-powered scheduling to optimize energy usage within homes.

As older models die out, we see more adoption of this technologically advanced alternative.

A thermostat inside an American home lasts an average of 10 years before requiring a replacement. Because of technological advancements and new product features, homeowners frequently replace their thermostats before the 10-year mark.

Utility companies will provide rebates and other incentives for energy-efficient thermostats, which increases the financial motivation to adopt these devices.

Take your HVAC Company Into the Future

Here at HVAC Webmasters, we are all about helping contractors prepare for sustained success. That’s why we wanted to provide some HVAC industry statistics highlighting current trends.

While the industry is not protected against rapid changes in technology and society, it is one of the most well-positioned to withstand and adapt to these alterations.

Our agency offers digital marketing services to help you embrace the new trends and remain an authority in your location and niche. Together, we can maximize your success going forward.

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6 Best Content Management Systems for HVAC Websites

Content management can be a huge chore, especially if your HVAC company’s website is regularly updated with new pages and posts. To streamline the process, selecting the right content management system is important.

Key Takeaway

As the founder of HVAC Webmasters, a digital marketing agency for heating and cooling professionals, I recommend using WordPress as your CMS. Over the past 14+ years, my clients have received a WordPress website with their monthly services.

In the following post, I will outline the best content management systems for HVAC websites based on my 14+ years of experience working with HVAC companies on digital marketing campaigns.

HVAC Content Management Systems (CMS) (Blog Cover)

What is a Content Management System?

A content management system is a software suite that allows you to create, publish, update, and manage your website’s content. 

Content includes everything from blog posts to your About Us page to images and online forms – basically anything that appears on your website. The best content management systems are essential for many industries because they allow you to manually design, publish, and update your website.

My Top 6 CMSs for Heating & Cooling Companies

1) WordPress

WordPress is an open-source CMS that offers a free version and a premium paid version. As the most well-known CMS, WordPress integrates with nearly 60,000 plugins, including the Yoast SEO plugin, which helps you optimize your content for maximum digital exposure.

WordPress also features various themes to help your website stand out without breaking your back on coding. It’s user-friendly, and you can master the dashboard in just a few days.

2) Joomla

Joomla is a free, open-source CMS that doesn’t require in-depth technical knowledge to utilize it effectively. It is intuitive and user-friendly, and you can quickly grasp the essential functions. 

Open-source software can be necessary for HVAC contractors because it gives you access to a vast array of plugins, custom templates, and tools you may need for your business. For example, with Joomla, you can add online form plugins so your customers can schedule appointments online. 

3) Kentico Kontact

Kentico Kontact is an excellent option if you have multiple sites and a mobile site for your company. It allows you to use your content anywhere easily and uses Cloud storage to simplify implementing your content on various sites. Kentico offers free and paid versions.

Kontact is a headless CMS that gives the content you create more fluidity because it is stored as data instead of being tied to a web page. The downside is that you will need a good amount of experience and design knowledge to utilize it effectively. 

4) HubSpot CMS

Hubspot CMS provides helpful in-house tools for optimizing your site. For example, you can use an in-house A/B tester to see which landing pages earn more clicks and which need tweaking. 

Hubspot CMS also assists with SEO, which, let’s face it, everyone can use help. Building a page from scratch is also very easy on this platform: a simple drag-and-drop page builder and editor you can use if you have little to no design experience. 

5) Contentful

Contentful may be a good option if you have multiple websites for different areas you service or a slew of landing pages tied to your PPC ads. Contentful makes it easy to create and organize different content in a centralized software suite and then distribute it to various online channels. 

However, Contentful has two downsides. One, it is a headless CMS, so you must be somewhat tech-savvy. Two, there is no free version. 

6) Magnolia

Magnolia’s CMS mechanics are too complex to discuss here, as the company uses a lot of technical jargon to describe its processes. For this reason, it’s not a CMS that I would recommend to a newer HVAC company looking to launch a business website quickly.

However, well-established enterprises or franchises in the heating and cooling space may want to consider Magnolia’s benefits. Its primary appeal is something called “decoupled architecture,” which means it seamlessly integrates with additional technologies that your company may utilize.

Next Steps in Choosing a Content Management System

The best content management systems allow you to design and update your website yourself. However, it always helps to have a professional in your corner for everything else. As I mentioned, each client who signs up with my agency, HVAC Webmasters, receives a custom WordPress website with a CMS.

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8 Reasons to Use WordPress for Your HVAC Website

WordPress HVAC Website

If you have just started your own HVAC business or want to revamp your existing one, you may consider some serious choices. Namely, “Which website builder should I use?” There are a few trendy choices out there for you, but few offer the kinds of resources that WordPress does. 

There is a reason why WordPress is the most used website builder on the internet – or rather, there are eight excellent reasons. If you have been debating about which builder you should use for your new HVAC site, allow us to play devil’s advocate and tell you about the advantages of WordPress.  

1) It can be Free

Please note the italics in the heading. One of the best things about WordPress is that using its primary model is free. You can have an essential WordPress website up monthly without paying a dime. If you want premium features like faster hosting, you will have to pay a bit for that.

In general, small businesses don’t have to spend much to maintain a quality WordPress website. Some don’t pay anything at all. A free WordPress HVAC website may be just what the doctor ordered if you are working with a minimal marketing budget. 

2) Open Source Software

WordPress is open-source, and that means a couple of things. First and foremost, it means that you can use it with software and plugins made by third-party developers. Other website design platforms are closed-source, relegating the user to plugins and tools created by the platform’s designers (similar to the difference between Android and iOS).

Secondly, open-source means that many plugins and tools are free. Third-party developers usually offer their software for free (at least initially). You have more flexibility and options when designing and optimizing your WordPress HVAC website. 

3) Makes Blogging Easier

Let’s flashback to 2003 for a minute to WordPress’s initial launch, which bloggers used almost exclusively. It was designed for bloggers to launch their sites quickly and easily. Flash forward to 2023, and WordPress is still rooted in its blogging history. Of course, it has expanded immensely, and you can create virtually any kind of website you want with it, but it still makes posting new blogs on a daily or weekly basis very easy.

The interface can quickly and easily crank out fresh blog posts. Why is this important for your WordPress HVAC website? Because you should have a blog on your HVAC website. Not only do people prefer to get information about a company through blogs rather than advertisements, but websites that have a blog also earn significantly more traffic than ones that don’t. The WordPress platform makes it ridiculously easy for you to maintain your HVAC blog with scheduling tools, SEO plugins, and more. 

4) Lots of User Resources

One of the biggest reasons small businesses flock to WordPress is that most people aren’t web design wizards. We need help from time to time. Since WordPress is open-source, the community is enormous. If you ever have questions about using WordPress or run into a problem, there is more than likely a tutorial for it on the WordPress forums.

Even if there isn’t, thanks to being the most used website builder globally, there are plenty of outside resources available from fellow users. No matter your problem with your site, someone has posted a forum comment, blog post, or video tutorial about it. 

5) Simple Interface

Again, things can get a bit more complex when you start adding more plugins and software; but the primary interface of WordPress is very straightforward. Again, not all of us are tech-savvy; but you will understand the essential functions if you spend an hour on your WordPress dashboard.

The ease of use is often cited by WordPress users when asked why they chose the platform in the first place – and the 409 million people viewing WordPress sites each month confirm the CMS’s dominance.

7) It Grows with your Business

Never forget that the whole point of having a quality website is to grow your business. So you’ll want a platform that can grow with it. WordPress can accommodate as your website gains traction, gets more traffic, and customers demand more from it. The myriad of free and paid WordPress plugins can add more functionality to your site without uprooting the whole thing.

Plus, many premium themes can help you scale your site as the business grows. You can even use new themes to change the look of your website without totally redesigning it. Many tools can improve your visitor’s user experience, including online form plugins and digital appointment scheduling. 

8) WordPress Makes SEO Easier

Last but certainly not least, the popular Yoast SEO plugin seamlessly integrates SEO elements into your content. Please make no mistake about it; SEO is still crucial in 2023. While SEO can be a headache, WordPress makes the task much simpler by automatically scoring your pages based on SEO criteria, suggesting titles and meta descriptions, and suggesting ways to boost your HVAC SEO.

The learning curve is minimal, and it can have a significant impact on your monthly traffic. 

Professional WordPress Web Design

WordPress is great for beginners and seasoned design vets alike. Do you know who else uses WordPress? We do! Here at HVAC Webmasters, we use WordPress to craft unique and alluring websites for our clients in the HVAC industry. We can do the same for you, so talk to us about our web design services today.

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User Experience + User Interface Guide for HVAC

What is User Experience for HVAC Websites?

User Experience or UX is the ease with which visitors interact with your HVAC website, including navigation, information, and efficiency.

The goal of UX is to meet the user’s needs and encourage them to take decisive action on your website. Furthermore, UX influences behavioral metrics such as dwell time, time on site, bounce rate, and others.

In totality, these metrics reflect the usability of your website to search engines.

What is User Interface for HVAC Websites?

User Interface or UI is the presentation and appearance of your HVAC website, including its design, theme, and general design framework.

UI contributes to UX because well-crafted interfaces enhance the user’s overall experience. In addition, UI contributes to a website sales funnel by helping users seamlessly complete a call-to-action.

HVAC User Experience (Blog Cover)

The Influence of UX & UI on HVAC Consumers

Have you ever visited a website and become frustrated because it was challenging to navigate or because you couldn’t find the information?

Conversely, when you were on a website, everything you came for was available with just a few clicks.

These interactions are examples of User Experience and User Interface (UX and UI): the former being a bad example and the latter being a good example. 

UX and UI are closely related to website design, which may be a subject outside your experience as an HVAC tech or contractor.

However, they are vital to your company’s success because they are closely related to marketing and lead generation.

This guide details HVAC user experience and interface to help companies maximize their digital presence.

Screenshot of Navigation Elements on HVAC Website

Differentiating UX and UI

On the surface, the user interface and user experience look similar. They are very closely related; however, knowing the difference is essential.

UI is a subset of UX. UX considers how a person feels when on your website, while UI deals with the more specialized technical aspects of how the user interacts with the website. 

You can think of it in these terms: UI is relegated to technical aspects, while UX deals with complex technical and human aspects of website design and function. 

What Goes Into Good UX and UI?

Again, you may not have much in-depth knowledge of UX and UI design, but you should know what it takes to create a site that gives visitors what they want. The process of UX and UI design should include:


Whether you are tackling UX and UI yourself or working with a designer, it’s crucial to establish well-defined goals for your HVAC website.

You may offer HVAC services, and you may sell HVAC equipment. So your goal would be to promote your products and your services. 

You may only provide HVAC services, in which case the purpose of your website would be to promote only your services.

You may have a blog intended to educate people on HVAC services, so you’ll want to get as many eyes as possible on your posts. Whatever the case, you have to be aware of your site’s goals.

Defining Personas

In UX design, a persona refers to the characteristics and behaviors of people likely to visit or use your website.

It’s essential to determine your persona as clearly as possible so you can design your website according to their technical proficiency and preferences.

For example, if your target market is middle-aged homeowners, you will want to create your UX around that persona. 


Now, it’s time to take your UX goals and personas and use them to create a map that will guide them toward action.

Mapping for an HVAC website may look like a homepage, service page, contact page, appointment page, etc. You will want to create a flow of clicks based on who is likely to use your site and their needs, goals, and behaviors.

Page Schematics

Once you have a map (or two) set up, it’s time to turn it into a visual schematic and project how users will experience the site.

You can use plenty of tools to create the page schematic of your website, but no matter which device you use, the goal remains the same: create a basic framework for your website that outlines how the visitor will navigate it. 

Page schematics illustrate the layout of your website. The schematic should be created and closely scrutinized before actual development begins.

You must work out page sizes, content layout, and navigation elements at this stage.

Site Testing

Site testing can provide you with useful information before your website goes live.

You may not always have the luxury to test a prototype of your site with actual users before it goes live, but if you do, take advantage. 

Site testing involves gathering a small group of users (personas) and taking into account their input as they navigate the basic prototype of your site.

Was it easy for them to see all the pages? Did they get the information they were after? Were they able to take specific actions? Was the site responsive? 

A/B Testing

Your job continues once you have completed all the steps mentioned above and your site goes live.

Real-time testing should be conducted regularly, also known as A/B testing, and it can help you make quality HVAC user experience upgrades to your site. 

A/B testing involves running your current site against a variant and seeing which performs better (which gets more clicks, more traffic, engages people for longer sessions, etc.).

A/B testing should run for at least seven days to get a good sample size and an idea of what can be improved. 

Website Design for HVAC Companies

All in all, your UX design should be marketing-oriented. Your website should be the primary source of leads for your HVAC business.

Here at HVAC SEO Webmasters, we design websites that are not only focused on UX and UI but ones that also help you gain new customers.

When customers book your HVAC services, your website has achieved its goal, and your marketing budget provides a substantial ROI.

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The Landing Page Optimization Guide for HVAC Companies

HVAC Landing Page Optimization

Landing page optimization will make your landing pages more effective, garner more clicks, earn you a higher ROI on your advertising campaigns and generate more HVAC leads in 2023 and beyond. 

There are specific landing page optimization methods and practices proven to increase effectiveness. By simply implementing some or all of these methods, you can spare yourself the burden of completely overhauling your landing pages and merely make a few tweaks. 

What is a Landing Page for HVAC Companies?

A landing page is a specific web page that users enter after clicking on a branded link, such as a Google search result, a Google advertisement, or an email marketing promo. For HVAC companies, a landing page promotes your HVAC services and encourages consumers to take action.

HVAC Landing Page

A robust landing page features elements of expertise, authority, and trust, such as a high-quality image of your staff.

Optimizing Your HVAC Company Landing Pages

Your landing pages are responsible for converting visitors into leads. Many HVAC business owners overlook the vital role that their landing pages play. The fact is, however, that you need to monitor the performance of your landing pages closely. 

Namely, how many leads they are generating each month. Most people won’t get landing pages right the first time.

Rocky HVAC's New Site Design

Sometimes it takes several months of testing, tweaking, and monitoring to get everything just right. That is the process of landing page optimization. 

Use a Heat Map

The first step in landing page optimization is identifying what is working and what isn’t. Even if your landing page is performing well (generating new leads every month), there is always room for improvement. A heat map is one of the essential tools you will need for landing page optimization. 

A heat map will essentially show you what people are clicking on your landing pages. It is a visual representation of your landing pages with numerical data on how many clicks your calls to action are getting, how far down the page people scroll, what parts they are reading or looking at, and much more. 

A heat map will help you understand what is earning you clicks and what needs to be improved. Our advice would be to procure yourself a good heat map tool first. Hotjar makes a very intuitive and helpful heat map and even offers a free trial. 

Other Helpful Tools

Visual data analysis tools come in many shapes and forms. Most of them have something very insightful to offer regarding landing page optimization, though. Here are some more tools you should certainly consider working with to optimize your landing pages:

Scroll Maps

A scroll map is another type of visual data report. You will be able to see the layout of your landing pages superimposed with different colors. Most tools use red and yellow to indicate where people spend the most time on your landing pages. Green and blue usually represent the sections getting the least attention or scrolling before they leave the page. Crazyegg offers one such scroll map that’s intuitive and easy to use.

Bounce Rate Analytics

Your bounce rate refers to how many people leave your landing page without taking favorable action, like clicking through to your main website. Of course, you want your bounce rate to be as low as possible. So a bounce rate calculator is valuable because it shows whether your landing pages are effective. It can provide valuable insight into what pages need adjustment. 

Overlay Reports

An overlay report provides you with similar data as a heat map. It will tell you exactly how many clicks different sections on various landing pages earn and provide in-depth data on individual landing page elements. 

Before You Go Live

This section will discuss things you can do to set yourself up for success before your landing page goes live. Don’t worry if your landing page is already live, though. The following section is all about current landing page optimization.

Stick to the Point

Many people go wrong with landing pages when they stray away from the original point. As you design your landing page and develop a copy for it, remember to keep the goals of the landing page in mind. If you are an HVAC contractor, your plan will likely sell your visitors on a specific service—focus on presenting that service positively and how it can make the visitor’s life easier or better. 

Limit Clutter

You may be tempted to load your landing pages with high-quality images, but sometimes less is more. A clean, stripped-down design is usually the best approach for landing pages.

Keep Your Audience in Mind

Think about who is most likely to view your landing pages. Maybe people who require emergency HVAC services, new homeowners, or people seeking a specialized HVAC service. Make sure your copy speaks directly to the people clicking on your ads. 

Optimizing Live Pages

Add an Exit Popup

An exit popup is a prompt that comes up when a visitor is about to click out of your landing page or navigate away. An exit popup can help increase conversions by 5% to 10% and, in some cases, much more. 

Compelling Calls to Action

Your call to action should engage the reader. Instead of “call now,” try something like “increase your A/C efficiency.” Again, a compelling call to action will speak to the visitor’s needs. But make sure not to make it too long or complicated. 

Keep the Most Important Information at the Top – Actionable buttons, offer details, contact information, and other elements that would spur a visitor to action should be at or near the top of your landing pages. Keep them away from the bottom, where people must scroll down to see them. 

Tweak Headlines

Sometimes, all you need is a simple headline change. Experiment with different texts, but remember that the goal is to grab the visitor’s attention.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is the process of altering a current web page and showing the original and amended one to an equal amount of visitors to see which version performs better. A/B testing is invaluable for improving your landing pages and gaining key insights.